Kaepernick is gonna get an earful...Gameday Thread

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  • Mister Hoarse
    No Sir, I Dont Like It
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    Originally posted by Stinky Wizzleteats+ View Post
    This thread needs an enima, it already is about a douche....
    Be carefull what you wish for.

    Besides, the site is owned by a dude named FLEET.
    Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!


    • Bolt-O
      • Jun 2013
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      Since this is the GDT...



      • oneinchpunch
        Registered Charger Fan
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        Dumb move
        Hashtag thepowderblues


        • Lightningwill_420

          Originally posted by ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR View Post
          I did read what you wrote. You used the word 'eventually'...these things are happening now and have happened for an awful long time. The outrage by society at large has been minimal. There are protests and groups fighting it, but they don't seem to get much attention. I wonder why.

          Of course I don't have any of those things re: my case with Mr Vacancy. Doesn't mean it didn't happen...it's just representative of all kinds of things that go on with people of all races. Black Lives do matter. Can you imagine the outrage if a White Lives Matter protest broke out? Look, Lives matter. Why do hate crimes even exist? If it's a crime, it's a crime. Enforce it that way. Do you think anyone is deterred by knowing the government will come down more harshly if it's pursued as a 'hate crime?'

          No one wants special treatment or special notice until every day.
          I said the bitching from Hispanics and whites will come, not that they don't already have a reason to be pissed that people are dying and have been dying for years.

          Black Lives Matter gets covered more because that group is far more disobedient and disruptive than whatever groups you are talking about. When some group of white people start screaming in libraries, stealing Bernie's microphone, and bitching at Hillary about whatever cause that group is dedicated to, I bet they'll get covered. News people don't cover polite protests. Anger - that's a news story.

          As far as the rest of your message, I'll just let it be. We live in different worlds.


          • Lightningwill_420

            Socks with pigs on it? People are offended by that?

            Holy skullfuckery, Batman.

            Political correctness is some meat I can't fit down my throat.

            Sticks and stones are bad. Names are meaningless. And, pictures of pigs in police hats? That's just goofy.

            Are we afraid cops are going to get their feelings hurt over this?

            You want to bitch about something that might do cops some good? Complain that they don't get paid enough. Complain that they don't get enough paid training-time so they can properly deal with dangerous situations. Complain that maybe they don't get enough backup in said dangerous situations. Complain about some real shit. Okay - not real shit, but metaphorical shit.

            The only thing the wearing of pig socks proves is this issue has been important to Kaepernick for a while - he didn't just wake up one day and decide he needed some bad publicity by sitting for the anthem. He's clearly pissed about police shootings and the number of black people in prison. We all may not be as pissed as he is, but we don't have to pretend he's some sort of evil bastard. He's not alone in his feelings, and, at this point, I don't think all the people who think like Kaepernick are conspiring to make shit up.
            Last edited by Guest; 09-01-2016, 05:50 PM.


            • Lightningwill_420

              I wish Kaepernick weren't playing the Chargers. I got a bad feeling some dumbass on either side of the issue is going to make all of us San Diego Chargers fans the look the fool on national television.


              • richpjr
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                Originally posted by Lightningwill_420 View Post
                Socks with pigs on it? People are offended by that?

                Holy skullfuckery, Batman.

                Political correctness is some meat I can't fit down my throat.

                Sticks and stones are bad. Names are meaningless. And, pictures of pigs in police hats? That's just goofy.

                Are we afraid cops are going to get their feelings hurt over this?

                You want to bitch about something that might do cops some good? Complain that they don't get paid enough. Complain that they don't get enough paid training-time so they can properly deal with dangerous situations. Complain that maybe they don't get enough backup in said dangerous situations. Complain about some real shit. Okay - not real shit, but metaphorical shit.

                The only thing the wearing of pig socks proves is this issue has been important to Kaepernick for a while - he didn't just wake up one day and decide he needed some bad publicity by sitting for the anthem. He's clearly pissed about police shootings and the number of black people in prison. We all may not be as pissed as he is, but we don't have to pretend he's some sort of evil bastard. He's not alone in his feelings, and, at this point, I don't think all the people who think like Kaepernick are conspiring to make shit up.
                You really can't see why people are offended by the pig socks? I guess we also live in different worlds.


                • Lightningwill_420

                  Originally posted by richpjr View Post
                  You really can't see why people are offended by the pig socks? I guess we also live in different worlds.
                  Yes, but we already knew that.

                  I don't get offended by much. You'll have to do better than pig socks to make me shed a tear.

                  Donald Trump called my wife and my in-laws rapists and drug traffickers or something like that - no offense taken.

                  When I was a reporter, I had a few people tell me my home address and threaten to kill me - I wasn't offended.

                  And, as a Jew who doesn't look like a Jew or have a Jewish name, I've had a few people say some shit about Jews - didn't offend me.

                  In my current career, I get a lot of bad words thrown in my direction - that doesn't offend me.

                  My piss-poor paycheck offends me, but words never bother me, and neither would pictures.

                  This week, my apartment complex left me with no air conditioning (113 at one point inside my apartment), and my wife and I couldn't sleep for a few days. I was peeved - still am. You know, cuz that isn't just words or piggy socks.

                  I'm not a "feelings" guy. I mean - yea, I pretend I have emotions when it comes to talking sports and politics on the Internet or in the bar cuz that's fun. But, in real life, I don't get all touchy-feely about anything. And I realize I'm in the minority here. Most people like political correctness and worry about what people say or draw or whatever - but that ain't me. If this were Star Trek, I'd be a really stupid version of Spock. If this were Taxi, well, you know who I'd be.
                  Last edited by Guest; 09-01-2016, 07:32 PM.


                  • Fleet
                    TPB Founder
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                    2nd string defense is so bad that we have no chance at going far enough this season. These players are terrible.


                    • richpjr
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                      Leave it to the Chargers to make a scrub QB look good.


                      • captaind
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                        Originally posted by Fleet View Post
                        2nd string defense is so bad that we have no chance at going far enough this season. These players are terrible.
                        You give them too much credit.


                        • RollingThunder
                          • Jun 2013
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                          Kellen Clemens + our second string defense = shit tv

                          Not sure why I am even bothering watching this.

