Things that need to happen at Denver

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  • Boltx
    Dominate the day
    • Jun 2013
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    Things that need to happen at Denver

    In no particular order:

    1). The playcalling needs to be versatile. I know a lot has been made about some of the playcalling last week, but again, you could see our defense tightening around the Bengals' necks like a noose (when was the last time you could say that), plus the weather conditions and the success of our run game dictated a lot of the flow of that game.

    My major concern heading into Sunday is all the attention being made to how we want to control the clock, keep Manning on the bench, etc. All valid reasons, of course. And you can point to both meetings against Denver this year and that's exactly what we tried to do both times, being successful the second time we met them. My point is that the 3rd time around, there will be no surprises. Denver will be game-planning all week to stop that strategy. Now of course, planning and executing are two different things. But I truly hope Whiz doesn't just bang in their against their defense primed to stop us with a gimpy RM for the sake of "keeping with the gameplan" or because "we need to keep Manning on the bench." Reminds me of the 2005 AFCCG when the Steelers went into Denver (was Whiz the OC of the Steelers then?) and BRoth came out throwing all over the place, catching the Broncos off guard. Point being, the entire world knows what we WANT to do to Denver...and if we can execute it again...great, but if not, don't be afraid to change gears QUICKLY.

    2). This sort of goes along with point #1....but don't be afraid to expose our young defense out there. Don't underestimate how much better these guys are playing, regardless of the us vs the world mentality, house money, etc. They flat out are simply playing better. I know we want to keep Manning on the bench but if we're forced to go to an air attack and start scoring "too early," don't be afraid to put the defense out there and in a position to make plays. I think Manning has thrown an INT or turned the ball over in 10 out of 11 games against the Chargers (or something similar to that effect).

    3). More contribution from the WRs/TEs. Seems like both KC and Cincy took away everything over the top and just left the underneath game for us. This was more evident against KC, not so much against Cincy since we didn't really need to throw.

    4). Pass rush, Pagano needs to find a way to keep dialing it up. Needs to call the game of his life the 2nd week in a row.

    5). Somebody new needs to step up. Last week it was Ingram's coming out party. I hope his success continues. But part of a prolonged playoff run is having key contributors when you least expect it. Defense, offense, ST, whoever. I keep voting for Teo each week because I think he's close.

    Feel free to add.
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  • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Tonight I watched the replay of the victory at Denver. I didn't get to watch but the final 8 mins the night of the game because I was on the road for about 9 hrs that day. I spent a lot of time trying to find the game on AM, as it kept fading out for gospel music. But I digress.

    I watched tonight and paid close attention to Ingram. IIRC that was his first game back. I was very impressed with what I saw. He was very active. Got lots of push and moved Manning around. I think last week he really looked more comfortable. I'm eager to see what he can do now with the increased conditioning and confidence.


    • Panama
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      Things that need to happen at Denver

      In no particular order:

      (1) Win.
      Last edited by Panama; 01-09-2014, 03:03 AM.


      • Steve
        • Jun 2013
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        1). The playcalling needs to be versatile. I know a lot has been made about some of the playcalling last week, but again, you could see our defense tightening around the Bengals' necks like a noose (when was the last time you could say that), plus the weather conditions and the success of our run game dictated a lot of the flow of that game.

        My major concern heading into Sunday is all the attention being made to how we want to control the clock, keep Manning on the bench, etc. All valid reasons, of course. And you can point to both meetings against Denver this year and that's exactly what we tried to do both times, being successful the second time we met them. My point is that the 3rd time around, there will be no surprises. Denver will be game-planning all week to stop that strategy. Now of course, planning and executing are two different things. But I truly hope Whiz doesn't just bang in their against their defense primed to stop us with a gimpy RM for the sake of "keeping with the gameplan" or because "we need to keep Manning on the bench." Reminds me of the 2005 AFCCG when the Steelers went into Denver (was Whiz the OC of the Steelers then?) and BRoth came out throwing all over the place, catching the Broncos off guard. Point being, the entire world knows what we WANT to do to Denver...and if we can execute it again...great, but if not, don't be afraid to change gears QUICKLY.
        There are teams that use passing to control the clock. That was how the West Coast offense got it's start. We did an awful lot of it early in the year (this season). You just need to make a conscious effort to keep completing passes and then use the 45 seconds off the clock, rather then lining up and calling them more quickly. And we need to not take shots 15-20 yards downfield unless they are too good to pass up, because that is where so many incomplete passes come from. But if we have big shots downfield and they make them too good to pass up, we should take them. And I don't think there is any reason to think we haven't had that thinking all the way along. But teams are going to make us beat them the hard way.

        The last Denver game, our O called a lot more passes then we saw. it was the look Denver decided to use. In one of the other posts, you can see Denver with 6 guys in the box. But a closer look also shows they game the inside gaps pretty full, so that the secondary were being used to defend the D gap areas outside the TE. Just that we ran into those gaps with out outside zone and they couldn't stop us. We need Mathews for that. But if Denver goes with stacking the box, we are going to check into more passes anyway. Not that I think you should always go away from running at a D, but the math just doesn't add up. Not enough blockers for all the defenders. We may need some runs where we go right into the middle of the D some, just to keep them stacking the line, so we can hit the passes we want.

        2). This sort of goes along with point #1....but don't be afraid to expose our young defense out there. Don't underestimate how much better these guys are playing, regardless of the us vs the world mentality, house money, etc. They flat out are simply playing better. I know we want to keep Manning on the bench but if we're forced to go to an air attack and start scoring "too early," don't be afraid to put the defense out there and in a position to make plays. I think Manning has thrown an INT or turned the ball over in 10 out of 11 games against the Chargers (or something similar to that effect).
        I think this is a mistake. If it happens where we can't always keep him on the bench, then it happens, but as long as we are executing, we should do what we can to keep him on the bench. Part of the reason he makes mistakes is when you are controlling the clock, Manning feels the pressure, and starts to force the ball into tighter windows, and hold the ball longer. It is like having and extra pass rusher without blitzing.

        3). More contribution from the WRs/TEs. Seems like both KC and Cincy took away everything over the top and just left the underneath game for us. This was more evident against KC, not so much against Cincy since we didn't really need to throw.
        Defenses can take away what they want to take away. IfIf they want to do that, I say fine, keep feeding the ball to the RB until Den gets tired of it. As long as we can keep getting 1st downs, I am willing to nibble away all day long. Especially because it is going to help us control the clock and get field position.

        4). Pass rush, Pagano needs to find a way to keep dialing it up. Needs to call the game of his life the 2nd week in a row.
        Pass rush is part of it, but we also need to mix in the coverages. That was the key last time and that will be key again. If the pass rush forces Manning to hold the ball, in order to read the D, then it gives our rushers time to get there. There were a lot of plays the first game where Manning either didn't feel he could wait, and threw it too early or dumped the ball to his checkoff man early. The key for Pagano is to keep mixing things up and not getting into a pattern.

        5). Somebody new needs to step up. Last week it was Ingram's coming out party. I hope his success continues. But part of a prolonged playoff run is having key contributors when you least expect it. Defense, offense, ST, whoever. I keep voting for Teo each week because I think he's close.
        I don't think the key play is going to be someone new. I think it is going to be the whole team being bunch of robots, just doing their jobs, play after play. Like I said, if we can go out, control the clock, chip away moving the ball relentlessly, I expect Denver will legitimately panic. And unlike a blitz or some other high risk strategy, it costs us nothing in terms of extra risk. They fear us doing exactly what we did before, and if we have the opportunity, take advantage of it. Especially since Manning is going to move the ball and score some no matter how well we play. We just need to minimize his impact.


        • OhioBolt
          Registered Charger Fan
          • Jun 2013
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          I personal think we can do the exact same thing we did last game, if Mathews is healthy. As I pointed out in other post Denver D is not that good, and they are 7th in run defense but that is decieving because they were blowing everybody out and they were passing to get back in the game, we proved we can run on them and we did in both games, but the first game when we got behind by half time we had to pass more. Denver D is not use to palying against the run, in practice the game plan for the opponent running, but they practice against there offense who likes to pass more than they run.

          Key is pressure on Manning he is great at reading blitzes and coverages, but you get pressure on him early he becomes a different QB, he's been one of the least sacked QB's and least hit in the pocket, because he so use to not getting hit, or sack he doesn't repond well when he does get hit or sack, he becomes very uncomfortable, happy feet, and starts bitching. Remeber when we put pressure on him the first game he was crying for penalties particular the hit by Liegut when he sacked Manning and he got his ankle hurt. Manning is comparable to Mike Tyson in his prime when he was feared, but when somebody pressures him he couldn't respond, Buster Douglas pressured Tyson and took the fight to him, Tyson lost, Evander Holyfield fustrated Tyson to the point Tyson lost by disqualification when he bite Holyfield ear off. Guy like Tyson and Manning are great when they are in control dictating the flow, but when disruption comes neither one responds well.

          Denver has more pressure on them I heard Eric Decker say they didn't have the energy they should of had going into the game on Thursday Night, what a lame excuse and the whole team is echoing the same comments, they will not admit they straight up got beat.

          We didn't play with energy on a Sunday Night game against the Raiders on the road, but I didn't hear comments like not playing with energy, and the other difference with Denver they were at home, and the states were higher at that time playing us versus when we played the Raiders. They have a lot of pressure on them, our Defense has played better, we have been peaking, and playing with confidence. Denver has even more pressure on them to win than Cincy who haven't one a playoff game in a while, but Dalton isn't Manning. Denver has the pressure of not only being favored in this game, but they are Super Bowl Favorites, Manning has pressure of over-coming his past playoff failures and his teams were favored, Manning also has to over-come 0-2 playoff record against us.


          • MakoShark
            • Jun 2013
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            Pass rush is part of it, but we also need to mix in the coverages. That was the key last time and that will be key again. If the pass rush forces Manning to hold the ball, in order to read the D, then it gives our rushers time to get there. There were a lot of plays the first game where Manning either didn't feel he could wait, and threw it too early or dumped the ball to his checkoff man early. The key for Pagano is to keep mixing things up and not getting into a pattern.
            I agree. Disguise and mixed it up. The muddle huddle is our friend. Don't be afraid to press and to bump these guys off the line. Disrupt the timing and allow the pass rush to get there. I not, he will dump the ball off too fast.


            • Rugger05
              • Jun 2013
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              Win the turnover battle, long drives that results in TD's instead of FG's


              • Stinky Wizzleteats+
                Grammar Police
                • Jun 2013
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                Freaking smoking fools! Is what our defence needs to be doing all day!
                Go Rivers!


                • BoltBalls
                  Always keep eye contact!
                  • Jun 2013
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                  This is all that needs to happen in Denver, after the game:

