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  • oneinchpunch
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by Steve View Post
    Ngata isn't the Ravens NT.
    He is now.
    Hashtag thepowderblues


    • Beerman
      Registered Charger Fan
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      Was talking more about Ngata's earlier year's before they draft Mount Cody in 2010. In any case I was more pointing out to the fact that he has that versatility to play multiple positions along the line vs. the specific player. Like OIP noted though, they moved him back to NT this season since their interior lineman were the worst graded players on their D last season.


      • SDFan
        Woober Goober
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        Originally posted by Steve View Post
        Ngata isn't the Ravens NT. Ngata plays at DT, which is similar to our RDE spot, often shifting him inside, so that he is often playing like a 43 DT.

        They also play a DE - smaller lighter guy, like a 43 LDE (Chris Canty). They play a guy they call a NT (Tay Cody), right over the C. And then Suggs, who is called a OLB, really lines up like a 43 DE, much like Freeney was used in Indy. Ravens are sort of a hybrid of the 34 and the 43, with each player being fairly specialized, and not really interchangeable. The Ravens DE is not going to line up at DT.

        Our D is/was more like a classic 34 D. DE over he OT. NT over the C, OLB over the TE and vs space in the base D. Liuget and Reyes are both shifted inside, or line up outside depending on who we face and how we want to attack the O.

        I agree with Cam on the leverage thing. When he plays low, maintains leverage, he can drive OL back into the backfield, split the double team and just be disruptive. He has great strength, but it is useless if he plays higher. But no DL can do much of anything useful if he plays high, and doesn't bend his knees. He has the power and quickness to be a great pass rusher like Jamal used to, but only if he bends his knees.

        It is tough to get a lot of sacks if you aren't on the field on obvious passing downs. So many early down pass rushes, the QB throws off a lot of short drops, and they can afford to just get rid of the ball quick, even if they just throw it away. But on passing downs, whether it is early on late downs, the QB has to hold the ball, and you have to run routes that go downfield. So, the pass rushers have more of a chance to get sacks. The QB cannot throw before his receivers are ready. If we can get a lead, and threaten teams with our offense more, then Thomas can get some more plays rushing the passer, and teams will have to force the ball downfield, giving all of our rushers more of a chance to get more sacks.
        Thought Tay Cody was a bust CB for us?
        Life is too short to drink cheap beer :beer:


        • Steve
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          There is a lot of speculation in Baltimore territory about whether this is a real move or just a motivational tool. They still think Cody can be a good player, but they are starting to get frustrated at his lack of progress. They also have a little more depth outside then inside right now, so they can afford to move Ngata inside.

          In truth, call him what you want, Baltimore, like most 34 teams, only plays 2 true DL most of the time. It is unusual for them to have all 3 DL on the field that much, unless it is an obvious running down. Some of that is the poor play from the inside players, but some of it is that the 34 is a tough package to pressure the QB from A straight 34 rush with 1 LB rushing and 3 DL, doesn't push the pocket very well. The NT is going to get double teamed, so there is not much push up the middle of the pocket. You only have 1 true edge rusher, and that is the guy who can most easily get past the OL to get the sack. The 2 DE are lined up right over the OL (pretty much) so the OL doesn't have to go get them and move, but the DL has a long ways to close with the QB. So the classic 34 rush is not a great way to pressure the QB.

          Most 34 teams put their emphasis on playing the pass rush with their rush. The pass rush line for every 34 team is a 4 man (2 OLB and 2 DE) look, which any football person will tell you is the same alignment and responsibilities as the 43. I think the reason that teams like the 34 is that it gives you the same rush as the 43, because you line up that way so much, but you can also mix and match the DL. If you are playing your rush line on 1st downs (like we do), then one of the 2 DL can be the NT. He may line up over the OG, but we would still have the extra bulk and interior run stuffing that be a little bit of an edge over a true DE. Or maybe there is an interior OL on the other team who cannot handle pure power rushes, the NT look on the rush line allows us to get that mismatch without changing the scheme or personnel at all.

          But looking back at many of the sacks and pressures that Liuget and Reyes got last year, most of them came when Pagano had one or both of them lined up inside, like a DT. Earlier in the year, it seems like we ran similar blitzes that got the personnel matchups, but then our DL would be in lanes were they just couldn't quite finish off the QB. The QB was always retreating away, or stepping up and not going down. That is common for 34 DL, to get most of their sacks and pressure in the rush line.

          Even JJ Watt got most of his (or so he claimed in an interview), lining up inside. I find that interesting because Houston is unusual in that they run their base 34 look and do a ton of 5 man blitzes on 1st downs, way more than any other team. They do it because they while they know their OLB aren't that great, you HAVE to block them with an OL. TE and RB won't do it. So that leaves Watt and their other DL singled up on OG. And Watt is going to win that matchup a lot. But he still doesn't get a ton of his total turned into sacks, just because of the distance he has to go to get to the QB.


          • Den60
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            Originally posted by SDfan View Post
            So you are arguing that NOrv was the best HC for us and none of the problems on the team or losses were attributable to his actions and we should have kept him? The team was in a death spiral the last 3 years with NOrv running things and he HAD to be replaced just for their to be any HOPE things could get better. I don't see how McCoy can possibly field a team as consistently unmotivated and sloppy as NOrv did or be a worse Game Day coach. And changing the Team Dr and training staff can only help with the injury situation and was way overdue. Not only did I not buy tix the last 2 years, I could barely stand to listen on the radio and wouldn't waste my time watching them on TV if I detected another NOrv stinker early on. Now there's at least hope we can do better and I like what I see and hear so far of the new direction and I'm willing to give them a chance to win me over again with their play. I bought a couple tix for the opener and some more for the last game of season. How they play in between will determine how many more games I watch and blame aint part of the equation if things are moving in the right direction and they still lose some along the way as expected.
            No. Oh, thanks for helping to make my argument for me as well.

            Since I won't be going to the opener and we spend the next two losses on the road I'll look forward to seeing you at P3 on Dec. 29.

