Sorry Fellas. Mike McCoy is not the guy.

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  • mikec
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by BoltBalls View Post
    This debate would be certainly more viable if we had won the game by a field goal at the end or lost the game outright of course. But the fact that the Chargers won by SEVENTEEN POINTS does not make it a viable debate in my opinion. It was clearly NOT a mistake by McCoy because of the final score. SEVENTEEN POINTS!
    Which is the largest margin of victory for a Chargers road playoff game in Chargers history... The previous high being: four. Which is also the same number of total Chargers playoff road victories prior to Sunday...


    • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
      Registered Charger Fan
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      Originally posted by mikec View Post
      Which is the largest margin of victory for a Chargers road playoff game in Chargers history... The previous high being: four. Which is also the same number of total Chargers playoff road victories prior to Sunday...
      Stop with all that perspective!


      • Panama
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        Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
        Well that is the crux of the discussion.

        I have thoughtfully examined all the evidence and those who are saying it not an error I find to be on very weak standing.

        I am pretty sure none would be defending this if we lost the game. I also know the vast majority of people who look at it did not like the strategy.

        I look at it simply as the end of half game management. I see a team that gave up a chance to run out the clock and go to the half tied or even possibly go down the field and take the lead after a huge turnover instead decide to give up and punt which lead to being down at the half with the other team getting the second half kickoff.

        I didn't think it made any sense at the time and the result we saw was negative (going from tied to down 3). The way the second half went has nothing to do with the way the end of the half was managed.

        Hell, Cincy has a time out and chances are they end up still getting a FG and not a TD in my view. Let the players play the game and don't coach scared.
        You really are Yuba, aren't you? Same style.


        • BlazingBolt
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          I been around way longer than that guy. Well actually maybe he was some returning poster, I don't know.

          But no, I am not the same person.

          I subscribed at cfn for awhile before discovering a bunch of those posters also posted at thenflforum. I used to go on rants about Brees plenty. Man it was hilarious how some delusional posters thought Brees was going to get traded when we franchised him right until the deadline passed. Slam dunk baby!

          I think I also got in to some rant with q about Vick and dogs or something. Can't remember.

          I didn't read most of that yuba stuff, but was worried you all ganged up on that dude. This forum can use some more epic rants. And poo stories too.

          And the stuff with Dennis, den60, he always seemed like a good poster to me. Not sure what happened there, hope he comes back soon.

          Disagreements between poster make the forum funner as long as it doesn't go nuclear and deteriorate in to flame wars.
          Last edited by BlazingBolt; 01-08-2014, 07:31 PM.
          migrated from then the then here


          • QSmokey
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            Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
            I been around way longer than that guy. Well actually maybe he was some returning poster, I don't know.

            But no, I am not the same person.

            I subscribed at cfn for awhile before discovering a bunch of those posters also posted at thenflforum. I used to go on rants about Brees plenty. Man it was hilarious how some delusional posters thought Brees was going to get traded when we franchised him right until the deadline passed. Slam dunk baby!

            I think I also got in to some rant with q about Vick and dogs or something. Can't remember.

            I didn't read most of that yuba stuff, but was worried you all ganged up on that dude. This forum can use some more epic rants. And poo stories too.

            And the stuff with Dennis, den60, he always seemed like a good poster to me. Not sure what happened there, hope he comes back soon.

            Disagreements between poster make the forum funner as long as it doesn't go nuclear and deteriorate in to flame wars.
            More fun.


            • oneinchpunch
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              Slam Dunk was awesome. Even for you Baghdad Bob.
              Hashtag thepowderblues


              • sandiego17
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                Originally posted by QSmokey View Post
                More fun.
                More funner!


                • Stinky Wizzleteats+
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                  I know now if McCoy continues to play small ball in big games, someone will hate it, no matter the results.
                  Go Rivers!


                  • captaind
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                    Originally posted by QSmokey View Post
                    If I sit down to watch a game with my wife, the conversation goes something like this:

                    Scene: QSmokey's living room, Charger game on big screen.

                    [Charger ball, Rives is strip-sacked at our own 12-yard-line]

                    QSmokey (yelling): GODDAMN IT! You suck, Reinhart!
                    Wife: Oh, darn.
                    QSmokey (to wife): "Oh darn"??!! Is that all you can say? We just gave the fucking ball away, deep in our own territory and all you can say is "Oh darn"?
                    Wife: You're not being very nice.

                    [Opponent's first play is an 11-yard run, two missed tackles, ball carrier is tripped up at the 1-yard line]

                    QSmokey: FUCKING SHIT!
                    Wife: Ya! They didn't score. We stopped them!
                    QSmokey: Really, wife? Really? They got a first-fucking down; we missed two tackles; they're on the 1-yard line and about to score on our sorry ass team and you think that's a GOOD thing? WTF?
                    Wife: That was a nice tackle.

                    [Next play. They score]

                    QSmokey: Shit. We suck. Turn this shitty game off!
                    Wife: Don't be selfish; I like watching the games.
                    QSmokey: You like watching them get their butts kicked? How can you sit there and watch them lose?
                    Wife: It's the first quarter; they're only down 7. They're gonna win.
                    QSmokey (mumbling): You don't know anything about football.
                    Wife: What did you say?
                    QSmokey: Nothing. I was talking to Kodi. Told him he was a good boy.
                    Wife: Hmmmm....

                    [Ensuing KO. Hawkins fields the ball 9 yards deep.]

                    QSmokey: Take a knee, you fucking idiot!
                    Wife: Run!

                    [Hawkins makes a nice spin move; get's plastered at the 19]

                    QSmokey: Stupid shithead! Take a fucking knee jerkface!
                    Wife: Nice runback!! 28 yards!
                    QSmokey [taking a deep breath]: Wife, he didn't even make the 20. If he took a knee in the EZ, we would have had to ball at the 20. We lost a yard on that "nice runback".
                    Wife: I like to see them run it out; more exciting.
                    QSmokey: Oh brother. We're getting embarrassed on National TV and you're enjoying it. ** sigh **
                    Wife: Take the dogs for a walk!

                    [QSmokey gets up and takes dogs for a walk. End of scene].
                    Lol, that's good stuff.

                    My wife actually sat and watched the game with me last weekend (a condition for watching the Chefs game with her). At halftime she tells me, "Do you realize you haven't sat down yet this entire game?"

                    It was true, I hadn't. And I probably won't this weekend. I tend to pace back & forth between bouts of yelling. Clapping scares the dog, go let her out, return to pacing & yelling.


                    • richpjr
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                      Originally posted by captaind View Post
                      Lol, that's good stuff.

                      My wife actually sat and watched the game with me last weekend (a condition for watching the Chefs game with her). At halftime she tells me, "Do you realize you haven't sat down yet this entire game?"

                      It was true, I hadn't. And I probably won't this weekend. I tend to pace back & forth between bouts of yelling. Clapping scares the dog, go let her out, return to pacing & yelling.
                      I should show this thread to my wife. She thinks I am the only one who gets extremely tense and cusses a lot.


                      • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
                        Registered Charger Fan
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                        I get really pissed when she starts trying to talk me down LOL. It 's like 'Please, just let me wallow in my misery' Haha


                        • TTK
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                          Wow, I thought I was bad. I sit still and keep everything all internal but my wife can tell I'm super nervous. You guys are freaks. :P

                          I didn't even have the energy to scream after the Chargers won the Chiefs game, I just threw my hands up in the air and fell on the couch.

