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Very winnable game.
We got 11 wins and EARNED our chance to go to Houston.
Hope the Steelers and Ravens have fun wrestling in the cold Baltimore dirt.
Backup or no, KC looked pathetic rolling out the red carpet for the Broncos.
The Chargers offense has scored 34, 40 & 34 their last three games. DD and Chark are catching TD passes. QJ almost 200 yds to close the season. Herbert over 300 yds passing & almost 50 yds rushing. The D goes wire to wire as the league leader in scoring. Three game win streak to close the season.
I'm anxious to hear about Slater. The Texans have Danielle Hunter (12 sacks) and Will Anderson (11 sacks). Anderson was out with a hand injury today, but I wonder if he would have played if the Texans needed the win to clinch a playoff spot. Houston is ranked 16th in points allowed and seventh in yards allowed.