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  • Steve
    • Jun 2013
    • 6874
    • South Carolina
    • Meteorologist
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    I have heard a lot of fans and TV announcers call read and react defenses "aggressive" while many people have called guys who run very blitz heavy schemes passive.

    For the most part, I think you just replace the word "aggressive" with "physical" and that works for most people.

    Football coaches tend to think of 2 gap defenses as fairly passive, because you take the 1st step away from the pass rusher to make a read step (think read and react, not initiate....)

    A lot of cover 2 defenses ask their DL to penetrate and wreck the offense in the backfield, but they then rarely blitz. They are content to let an offense move down the field (bend but don't break), figuring sooner or later they will make a negative play and the offense will stall.

    Seattle under Carroll (including Gus Bradley's time) blitzed less than almost any other D in the NFL. Then again, we blitzed a lot less this season then we did almost any other season under Pagano. We didn't need to, because we had Bosa and Ingram. They need more help, but I don't think we need to blitz like crazy. And our back 7 (5 DB and 2 LB) are very, very fast thanks to Toomer and Brown. I don't know if I would necssarily call us that aggressive. But I think we will be fine with a simplified scheme.

