LT, throwing major shade on PR...

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  • RobH
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    Originally posted by SuperCharger View Post
    The main thing I thought was funny was how he says if we would have just done this, and that, and this, and the other, we would have won the Super Bowl...
    Yep. And if the dog hadn't stopped to crap, he would have caught the rabbit.


    • RobH
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      Originally posted by Maverick View Post
      So unnecessary & classless for him to even "go there"....very douchey:
      I don't think he was throwing Rivers under the bus. He stated that Brees had the injury and his future was uncertain. And he probably did want Roth over Rivers in the draft, but as he said, he realized why the team wanted Rivers. He gave credit where it was due and he didn't diss anyone in my mind. I think the writer was off, actually, and he was throwing LT under the bus.


      • Foxbatkllr
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        Originally posted by shogun View Post
        I'm not gonna put that 2004 playoff loss on Brees.

        But yeah, F Mccree. And also F Drayton Florence.
        He didn't blame Brees for the playoff loss against the Jets. It was more about saying that Brees had a shot with a good Chargers team and LT at home and we still lost.


        • Fleet
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          God i hate that website. Its the charger edition of bleacher report. I may impose a BFTB ban here. Its crap. I have a personal issue with one of their writers for taking a joke comment of mine on twitter and trying to drag us through the mud in his pathetic article. They are extreme homer kids who write stupid essays based off of emotions.


          • #17
            Funny he didnt mention his hero marty melting down on the sideline against the patriots. Marty lost us that game. 4th and 11 instead of a FG. Getting flagged for walking out on to the field to argue. We win that game we win the superbowl Im convinced. What a joke.


            • KYBoltsFan
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              What shit. LT also is quoted saying he saw why they liked Rivers. Brees and LT were in a HS all-star game together, went to the Heisman ceremony together, got drafted to the same team and played together for five years (when LT was the focal point of the team). Clearly he's gonna be biased.

              There's always talk on here about those teams and how we "never did anything with Marty" blah blah blah. Wonder what Pissburg would have done if they'd axed Cowher after/while losing three AFC title games at home. Or Coughlin in NY. Yeah, Marty suffered two crushing losses at home but that's a Chargers 'tradition' with or without Marty - Coryell, Ross, Norv all suffered the same. Marty lost two home playoff games by one score each w/two different QBs making their first playoff start...pretty quick after we had as inept a run of losing as the Detroit/Cinci/Cle/OAK's of the world. This franchise can't handle success and the fanbase generally doesn't know a good thing if/when it bitch slaps 'em in the face. Yeah it sucked so bad dominating the AFCW and winning all the time, but hey we didn't immediately win the SB so that era was an abject failure so let's hire Nervous Norval and Fat Teddy to get us over the top and keep Norv longer 'cause the fans cheered loud...inept ownership is the issue here


              • KYBoltsFan
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                How about fucking Eric Parker having the worst game of his life??? Did Marty cause him to drop crucial 3rd down passes in the 1st half and muff a punt??? How about Marty saying "MEN - WHEN WE GET THE INTERCEPTION, KNOCK IT DOWN", and McCree proceeding to be a 'hero'??? Did Marty tell VJ not to drag his feet in the end zone? Did Marty tell DFlo to headbutt? Did Marty tell Rivers to throw an INT to Rosie Colvin, and then suggest LT facemask him? I guess it was Marty's fault that we dominated every statistical category of that game except score...that's not on the players at all.


                • #20
                  Originally posted by KYBoltsFan View Post
                  How about fucking Eric Parker having the worst game of his life??? Did Marty cause him to drop crucial 3rd down passes in the 1st half and muff a punt??? How about Marty saying "MEN - WHEN WE GET THE INTERCEPTION, KNOCK IT DOWN", and McCree proceeding to be a 'hero'??? Did Marty tell VJ not to drag his feet in the end zone? Did Marty tell DFlo to headbutt? Did Marty tell Rivers to throw an INT to Rosie Colvin, and then suggest LT facemask him? I guess it was Marty's fault that we dominated every statistical category of that game except score...that's not on the players at all.
                  Marty was the boss, ultimately it was all his responsibility. McCoy is about to experience the same fate in 2-3 weeks when he is fired. Are the injuries his fault?


                  • richpjr
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                    There is zero need for LT to say this publicly, even if he thinks it is true. One thing I know you'll never hear is Rivers throwing LT under the bus for pouting on the sidelines in the playoffs.


                    • TTK
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                      LT was always salty about AJ not keeping his buddy Brees around.

                      Also, trading Rivers away in 2006 would have been a huge cap hit.


                      • MakoShark
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                        Originally posted by Lightningwill_420 View Post
                        There is nothing said there that isn't true. Nothing douchey.

                        Rivers was a virtual rookie in 2006. Don't we all think we would have had a better shot at the Super Bowl with a veteran Brees that year?

                        As far as Rothlisberger over Rivers - eh. Both those guys are great QBs, and Rothlisberger had a better start to his career. Now that we know Rothlisberger is probably a rapist, I'm glad I didn't have to root for him. But, whatever. I don't think Tomlinson said anything wrong. He did say that he learned quickly what the team liked about Rivers.

                        When LaDainian had a TV gig (does he still?), his grammar was shitty, but he was still a lot better than most of the boring, unoriginal ex jocks who normally are blabbing about nothing on TV.
                        Agreed. Its a non-story. With 24/7 coverage its hard to fill the void sometimes so you end up with garbage journalism like this far too often.


                        • Mister Hoarse
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                          Time to garbage this journalisms
                          Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!

