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Exactly right - the “Joey Cure”. If they don’t dump him for cost.
I just don't see Bosa back. I don't see them paying him the $22m he is due to get. Extending Mack and Allen, totally understandable to push cap. But Bosa, for me would need to be on a heavily incentive laden deal based both on games played, production and limiting key third down offsides penalties
That said, if Bosa is taking a pay cut - I see him with his brother or in Florida - not the Chargers. And the Fish, I think both of their DEs are hurt, Chubb and Phillips. I have Joeys Bosa odds of being a Charger at 20%
One other note about future draft picks - there is an uncertainty where that pick will be. Now, I think the Cardinals made a solid trade with Houston. But many thought Houstons' first would be a top 5 pick and its in the mid 20's. Sitll a First Rounder
So with the current 2024 pick - you know the exact pick and not projecting out. I still think its the Lions timeline - a two draft process. Lions went from 3 to 9 to 12/NFC Title game. I just see way too many holes to fill in one draft. And the Chargers cannot have a decent draft in 2024. It needs to be like the Lions in 2023 or the Saints in 2017 if you think they can contend. They do have the QB, LT and some others but they are also missing a lot.
Yep. Zactly. You want to trade for picks that are fixed. A 3rd round pick for example could range from 65-97, that's a big gap.
Yep. Zactly. You want to trade for picks that are fixed. A 3rd round pick for example could range from 65-97, that's a big gap.
Granted, Popper mentioned Atlanta from 5 to 8 swap in Round 1. The Falcons could send their 2024 3rd and 4th rounders and a 2025 pick -- like a 3rd rounder. I think that could be okay because getting picks this year and one future pick. Chargers already have an extra 6th rounder next year, 2025 - from the JC Jackson trade. So it would be nice if Hortz could add another 3rd - 5th rounder this draft for next year so the Chargers already would have 9 picks in 2025 draft. But he can always add that pick like on Day 3 - trade down in the 5th and instead of getting a 2024 6th rounder, he takes a future 5th rounder
Can't see any way we keep Bosa. Does he seem like the type of guy Harbaugh wants on his team? Anyone?
I think Bosa trains hard and plays hard. I think he is over competitive just like Harbaugh. It’s just the injuries that downgrade him IMO. And a lot of those look like they may come from overtraining or going all out in games.
Im hoping we can keep Bosa with perhaps a reduced contract although I don’t see him willingly accepting that.
Now, if you excuse me, I have some Charger memories to suppress.
From the pits to the playoffs.
I just don't see Bosa back. I don't see them paying him the $22m he is due to get. Extending Mack and Allen, totally understandable to push cap. But Bosa, for me would need to be on a heavily incentive laden deal based both on games played, production and limiting key third down offsides penalties
That said, if Bosa is taking a pay cut - I see him with his brother or in Florida - not the Chargers. And the Fish, I think both of their DEs are hurt, Chubb and Phillips. I have Joeys Bosa odds of being a Charger at 20%
Incentive clause related to penalties - you’re killing me knob! Bosa is not taking a pay cut and no players have clauses related to penalties lol.
his brother is making $34M, fyi, as I recall.
I’ll put it at 35% but i think we’re both on the right side of the 50 yard line
Incentive clause related to penalties - you’re killing me knob! Bosa is not taking a pay cut and no players have clauses related to penalties lol.
his brother is making $34M, fyi, as I recall.
I’ll put it at 35% but i think we’re both on the right side of the 50 yard line[/QUOTE
Come on- that was gold Jerry gold!! Real comedy! (about the penalties clause)
As for the type of money Bosa will get in 2024 - maybe he does get his $22m from the Chargers or some team. I just don't see it happening with the injury concern. I think if he is back with the Chargers - it will be something like $10-12m but heavy incentives for being on the field and producing on the field - like sacks and what not.
His brother is making like you said $34; Bosa was the highest paid at the time of the deal - but the last two years - I think he is going to have to prove it this year
It gets tricky. There is a time the production does decline and what value does the player bring even at a cheaper salary. Plus - it is a roster position. So you keeping a player on the roster for purely sentimental reasons just so they can "retire a Charger"