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  • Topcat
    AKA "Pollcat"
    • Jan 2019
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    Originally posted by beachcomber View Post
    and re: top five.... Russ Washington went fourth, and the guy I brought up once upon a time as a Ryan Ramczyk compare, was Walt Sweeney, who went two overall to the Bolts.
    Another high pick for an OT was Jim Lachey, #12 overall in 1985...had a few good seasons for us until he wimped out and pulled a Gordon...


    • Topcat
      AKA "Pollcat"
      • Jan 2019
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      Originally posted by dmac_bolt View Post

      you're spinning into indecipherable now. No idea what that means.

      Meanwhile, coaches heard you're still skeptical and concerned so they offered more comments ...

      LOL...I'm guessing SOME people really think Harbo and Roman anxiously read this forum on a daily basis...
      (maybe they do...or some underling that reports to them...)


      • Topcat
        AKA "Pollcat"
        • Jan 2019
        • 18470
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        Originally posted by wu-dai clan View Post
        Reminds me of Staley,
        with his favorites.
        Blinded by love.
        Cue up the birthday boy music...


        • Ghost of Quacksaw
          Beef Before Gazelles
          • May 2021
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          Originally posted by Topcat View Post

          Another high pick for an OT was Jim Lachey, #12 overall in 1985...had a few good seasons for us until he wimped out and pulled a Gordon...
          This is a massive oversimplification. Not sure how you're taking actual historical data points, and drawing that conclusion.

          The two situations (Lachey and Gordon) were only marginally comparable. Did you get your sports info from Hacksaw?!?


          • Topcat
            AKA "Pollcat"
            • Jan 2019
            • 18470
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            Originally posted by Ghost of Quacksaw View Post

            This is a massive oversimplification. Not sure how you're taking actual historical data points, and drawing that conclusion.

            The two situations (Lachey and Gordon) were only marginally comparable. Did you get your sports info from Hacksaw?!?
            Both Lachey and Gordon were holdouts...what really hurt the Bolts with Lachey is he was a Pro-Bowler, only 3 years into his first contract, a 5-year deal...Chargers were really counting on him to hold down that LT spot for a long time...so they were forced to trade him...Gordon still had a year left on his deal when he held out...so both Lachey and Gordon held out without finishing their deals...then Moaning Mel changed his mind and came back mid-season, but it was too little, too late...


            • Fouts2herbert
              Charger Fan since 1978
              • Sep 2021
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              Originally posted by Critty View Post

              Harbaugh has a great QB. Great GM. Will always value OL play. He played QB in NFL, won everywhere he has been. And he said multiple Superbowls, so that would be his only downfall/fuckup if he doesnt get at least one.You know that best 5 OL you Pipkins lovers are so enthusiastic about is true for every HC. Not exactly a new concept.
              Doesn't mean I have to bet on Pipkins because right now prisoners of moment he probably going win the job based on reports.

              But you know spin it as you wish
              I thought spinning was like a type of lying, like using language in a disingenuous way? coach said what he said, I didn't make that up, that actually happened so I'm a bit confused as to what it is that you think I'm spinning. Trey Pipkins has already been named a starter at RG and coach said that the starters set themselves apart etc...you having trouble reconciling with Jim Harbaugh's endorsement of a player you have little regard for is your issue and has nothing to do with me...

              A lot of people have been all over pipkin's ass for years, I was one of those people, but once he started improving after Slater took him under his wing, I took notice...others chose to continue being dismissive of the improvement, some turned him into the scapegoat of whatever went wrong, and for sure many refused to recognize when he had a good game or two...so whenever things went well it was due to poor competition or him getting help etc...and when things went bad it was because of his mental mistakes or lack of physical ability etc...

              I'm not invested in Trey anymore than most people here, I thought he was a horrible reach in the third round and a horrible player etc...but now IMO he is performing at respectable level, my initial disapproval of the pick has taken a back seat to recognizing that we have decent player now, plus he's a good kid, doesn't bitch about being moved to guard, and didn't leave to go to a division rival, I read somewhere that KC had shown interest in him the year he hit free agency...finding even solid average to above average O-linemen is not easy in the NFL, nobody should know that better than us Charger fans, you don't need to have All pros at all five spots to win a championship...
              "The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this post. The information contained in this post is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."​​


              • 21&500
                Bolt Spit-Baller
                • Sep 2018
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                88 more days....
                2024: Far From Over


                • Fouts2herbert
                  Charger Fan since 1978
                  • Sep 2021
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                  Originally posted by Topcat View Post

                  LOL...I'm guessing SOME people really think Harbo and Roman anxiously read this forum on a daily basis...
                  (maybe they do...or some underling that reports to them...)
                  Is it really that difficult to believe that they actually like the player? From watching games last year pipkins was easily the 2nd best lineman on the team and he even had some stretches were he outplayed Slater a bit, undoubtedly due to Slater playing thru those ankle injuries last season...I thought Slater gave up an uncharacteristic amount of pressures last season...
                  "The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this post. The information contained in this post is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."​​


                  • gzubeck
                    Ines Sainz = Jet Bait!
                    • Jan 2019
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                    Most Charger interviews are usually boring but Bosa's was entertaining! A healthy Bosa...the planets are aligning!

                    Chiefs won the Superbowl with 10 Rookies....

                    "Locked, Cocked, and ready to Rock!" Jim Harbaugh


                    • 21&500
                      Bolt Spit-Baller
                      • Sep 2018
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                      Men... there's a gleam in his eye.
                      Bosa going to teabag his critics.
                      "winning games is more important for me than making some more money"

                      I know it's taboo to judge a man's decisions around money but, that's plain wisdom.
                      Keenan not so much.
                      and that's why one is living his best life in LA and the other is firing his agent.
                      2024: Far From Over


                      • Fouts2herbert
                        Charger Fan since 1978
                        • Sep 2021
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                        Originally posted by Critty View Post

                        I like much more juvenile humor and having it spell out with a da-dum dum or I might miss the joke..... I'm not that smart. My bad. I'm okay if people see my brain might be just a single braincell running around in the dark looking for the flashlight to the master plan that was buried in the dark ages....

                        I'm still going post my semi informed delusional opinion like every other mouth breathing sports fanatic.....

                        Joe Alt pick #5. Woopwoopwhoop. Fuck Pipkins..he lost that job.
                        Hey now, Pipkins is a legit Charger now and has been for the last 2 plus years IMO, plus he's being counted on to be an important piece of the O-line on a team coached by someone who not only puts O-line play at a premium but literally has declared it one of the keys to success for his team...Trey lost nothing, not money, not playing time, and for the moment he retains a starting position on a team that is trending up, for the time being that should say something, this is not a Staley or Lynn decision, this is a Jim Harbaugh decision, that means something to me...

                        I was not 100% on board with the Alt pick because I thought we might've been able to squeeze two 1st rounders out of that deal and then turn around and plug an additional hole with that extra 1st...plus the OT class was deep, it just felt to me like everything had lined up for us to trade down...but I always said Alt was a fine prospect, I just felt then as I do now that he's going to need some time to maximize his potential, and then once he became a Charger of course my full support and well wishes are with the player...

                        as a Charger fan I would never root against a player just because he wasn't my choice to be selected or to start or whatever...Kind of like the Herbert haters when that pick went down and then even after he'd proven his talent, there are still a few out there that call themselves Charger fans, go figure...

                        to me the concept of choosing between whether I am proven right about a coach or a player or whether my team has success is just not something that even enters my mind, it's a foreign concept that doesn't make sense to me...I could give two shits if the team is populated by 22 starters that I didn't like in the draft or wanted in free agency as long as we win a Super Bowl I'll be happy...
                        "The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this post. The information contained in this post is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."​​


                        • Fouts2herbert
                          Charger Fan since 1978
                          • Sep 2021
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                          Originally posted by Topcat View Post

                          LOL...I'm guessing SOME people really think Harbo and Roman anxiously read this forum on a daily basis...
                          (maybe they do...or some underling that reports to them...)
                          I think D-mac is just rubbing salt in there by posting proof that this coaching staff actually likes or approves of Trey Pipkins the player...this is not some unproven idiot at HC making this decision, Harbaugh has a track record that cannot be disputed, by sheer weight of that, I think those that still just automatically are dismissive about Trey and seem incapable of recognizing how much he has improved as a player should take pause...
                          "The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this post. The information contained in this post is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness..."​​

