Kellen Clemens

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  • HoneDogNoglet
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by SDfan View Post
    last night showed if our defense plays well and the offense doesn't kill itself with mistakes, penalties and turnovers- we can win with Clemmons. Listening to Fouts and the other guy (Spiro?) on TV last night, 1 of them made a comment that Clemons was in the top 4 of backup QBs in the NFL or something like that. They didn't talk about it anymore but I thought it was interesting how different their opinion of him is compared to many on this board.
    cool, i didn't watch it but it sounds like a homer broadcast comment. i agree it takes the defense playing well and the offense not self destructing to have a fighting chance to win with a non ascending #2 in the nfl. i still say its time to move on from the lets trade with Dallas narrative. something about their fan base would like it. whatever, i actually think they would have the opposite reaction. Clemons is an aging backup that would bring nothing new if he was forced to play. can he do 80% of what rivers could, how much do we lose? i don't think 80% of rivers is enough for this team and if anybody says he could provide 90% then aren't they saying there really isn't any difference in the two?


    • Mister Hoarse
      No Sir, I Dont Like It
      • Jun 2013
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      More like 60%
      Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!


      • HoneDogNoglet
        Registered Charger Fan
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        Originally posted by Mister Hoarse View Post
        More like 60%
        i agree with this 420%


        • Steve
          • Jun 2013
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          There is always going to be a difference between the #1 and #2 QB. No one is saying Clemons is even close to Rivers level of play. THe catch is, not even the ascending QB are going to give you the same level of play as a Rivers.

          And of the ascending players, are we willing to spend a #2 round draft pick on a developmental guy like Prescott? Clemons is easily one of the top backups in the NFL. The problem is that almost every team has a huge dropoff behind their starter. The problem is unless we can convience another teams starter to be a backup, then we don't have a chance to upgrade the backup spot. And unless we are willing to pay $10 million plus, no guy is going to give a starting job to be our backup, not to mention our backup doesn't get to play. We can't sell someone on the fact that they can fix this flaw or other while Rivers plays, and then get them a couple starts late in the season, because it doesn't happen.

          If you spend a later round pick, then the guy is even further behind. And you are screwed for a long time while the player develops. The point I am trying to make about all this is that backups are backups. They aren't another starter. They don't look nearly good enough for a reason. Some of it is because of preseason, but most of it is the being a distance #2.

          Prescott is being given a much better chance to succeed than Clemons was against Tenn, or AZ. THey are deliberately game planning around him to make him look good. The Cowboys decided they weren't going to trade for someone and they are making look like a viable option. But most of his best stuff is coming with the 1st team, behind what might be the best OL in football and he is n't facing any pressure. The Rams didn't blitz him once, and Miami only blitzed once, which didn't even look like a blitz because the pickup was so good. Dallas is very have very clearly scripted things so PRescott will look good. They don't want any discussion about the backup thing any more and they want it to go away.

          This thread started before Prescott had played. Clearly Dallas is doing some on field marketing to get their fan base fired up. They have basically announced to the league that Presscott is their guy, and they won't be trading for anyone.

          QB play was not their downfall last year not matter what the TV types said. It is not going to be their critical issue this year, no matter what the idiots on TV say again this year. Dallas is not a great team. They still need another real receiver to step up, be it Cole Beasley in the slot or Terrenace Williams at WR, even if Witten and Dez Bryant can recapture the magic from a couple years ago. They also need a D that can play at a high level, which is going to be tough with so many of their DE out (even before the suspensions kick in). They are also very, very thin at LB and in the secondary.


          • #53
            Originally posted by HoneDogNoglet View Post
            when is the last time clemons did anything to create value? not sure anybody is seeking out our aging garbage, time to move on
            It was less than 3 years ago when he came in for an injured Sam Bradford and won 4 games for the Rams. Who would've been able to win any games with the Rams?


            • Boltjolt
              Dont let the PBs fool ya
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              All I know is that Clemens is no better than clipboard Jesus. Sanchez is basically backup material and after this season, he should be available lol. He is better than Clemens.


              • 6025
                • Jun 2013
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                I hate Sanchez and want no part of that guy.


                • bonehead
                  • Jul 2013
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                  Originally posted by 6025 View Post
                  I hate Sanchez and want no part of that guy.
                  Its the headband

                  Forget it Donny you're out of your element

                  Shut the fuck up Donny


                  • chargerkdb
                    Charger Fan
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                    #2 needs to be competent game manager. That's probably all Kellen will ever be and that's ok. Good career. I have to admit I like what I've seen of Bercovici.


                    • Formula 21
                      The Future is Now
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                      I want to see more Bercovici in games. If he stays that accurate, I have to keep him somewhere on the team.
                      Now, if you excuse me, I have some Charger memories to suppress.
                      The Wasted Decade is done.
                      Build Back Better.


                      • Steve
                        • Jun 2013
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                        The thing I liked best about Bercovici was the way he kept signalling to the sidelines to hurry up with the play calls coming in. Not a lot of rookies who will do that.

                        His accuracy is nice, but that will improve with time. I just like the guys poise and presence on the field.


                        • KNSD
                          Registered Charger Hater
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                          Originally posted by Steve View Post
                          The thing I liked best about Bercovici was the way he kept signalling to the sidelines to hurry up with the play calls coming in. Not a lot of rookies who will do that.

                          His accuracy is nice, but that will improve with time. I just like the guys poise and presence on the field.
                          Yup. Bercovici looks very promising. I need fewer excuses as to why he will be a good NFL player than almost any developmental QB the Chargers have drafted late/picked up in free agency.
                          Correct: Chargers CI fails miserably.
                          Fail: Team stays in San Diego until their lease runs out in 2020. (without getting new deal done by then) .
                          Sig Bet WIN: The Chargers will file for relocation on January 15.

