Run Defense Question

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  • HoneDogNoglet
    Registered Charger Fan
    • Jun 2013
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    Run Defense Question

    Is it true that like i read somewhere that teams would motion their tight end to reyes, ingram and teo's side of the ball in order to gash us? will bosa and mebane put an end to this?

    last year was the opposite of 'you can't run!!'. I want to pay more attention to these kind of things and try to better understand the kaos i watch.

    Was it a problem and have we found the solution?
  • Stinky Wizzleteats+
    Grammar Police
    • Jun 2013
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    Allot of our problems were related to the dline not playing solid assignments and freelancing. Maybe the motion would cause Reyes and Ingram to abort the assignment to try and make a play putting them out of position and creating a hole for the RB in the process.
    Go Rivers!


    • bonehead
      • Jul 2013
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      yes, I think with Bosa, Mebane and Perryman out there it's gonna be a lot harder to run at or away from anyone.
      Forget it Donny you're out of your element

      Shut the fuck up Donny


      • OhioBolt
        Registered Charger Fan
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        Originally posted by bonehead View Post
        yes, I think with Bosa, Mebane and Perryman out there it's gonna be a lot harder to run at or away from anyone.
        Right on Mebane presence will impove our run defense
        Bosa has a quick first step, good hands and locate the ball carrier well
        Perryman I feel this guy is going to bring it we seen him improve as the season progressed and with Mebane and Bosa up front Perryman I believe is going to cause at least 5 force fumbles.

        Overall D should be vastly improved

        D-line rotation should be good, Carrethers hasn't made any big jump but steadily improved, I also like what I saw from Darius Philon before he went on IR, Liguet needs to have a bounce back year

        LB's we actually have some depth starters ILB Teo & Perryman OLB Ingram Attouchi, backups Kyle Emanul, and the Rookies Perry & Brown

        DB's Verrett stud just needs to be healthy, Casey Hayward may be on the field more than you think if Flowers faulters, Steve Williams made plays in the Denver game he started, Mager who I like, the Safeties are probably the weak link Lowery and Addae starters nothing to get excited about Addae blows too many plays by either being out of place or going for the kill shoot I will be interested in watching what McCoil does in the pre-season if he is able to step up into a starter


        • Lightningwill_420

          Originally posted by OhioBolt View Post
          Right on Mebane presence will impove our run defense
          Bosa has a quick first step, good hands and locate the ball carrier well
          Perryman I feel this guy is going to bring it we seen him improve as the season progressed and with Mebane and Bosa up front Perryman I believe is going to cause at least 5 force fumbles.

          Overall D should be vastly improved

          D-line rotation should be good, Carrethers hasn't made any big jump but steadily improved, I also like what I saw from Darius Philon before he went on IR, Liguet needs to have a bounce back year

          LB's we actually have some depth starters ILB Teo & Perryman OLB Ingram Attouchi, backups Kyle Emanul, and the Rookies Perry & Brown

          DB's Verrett stud just needs to be healthy, Casey Hayward may be on the field more than you think if Flowers faulters, Steve Williams made plays in the Denver game he started, Mager who I like, the Safeties are probably the weak link Lowery and Addae starters nothing to get excited about Addae blows too many plays by either being out of place or going for the kill shoot I will be interested in watching what McCoil does in the pre-season if he is able to step up into a starter
          Liuget would bounce back to what? The ends of his first couple years? Those are the only times he was ever any good. Liuget has never been legit for an entire season. There is no way he should have been given a contract extension unless it had been for backup money.


          • OhioBolt
            Registered Charger Fan
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            Originally posted by Bleeding Vagina Who Should Be GM View Post
            Liuget would bounce back to what? The ends of his first couple years? Those are the only times he was ever any good. Liuget has never been legit for an entire season. There is no way he should have been given a contract extension unless it had been for backup money.
            Yep that's what he need to bounce back to. If he doesn't produce I say you cut him at after this season, I would hope he would be able to step up with Mebane and Bosa up front. I agree TT has made bad decisions in extending players/bringing them back, Donald Butler, Donald Brown, and the jury is out on Flowers this is make or break for him, we have made bad investments.


            • TTK
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              Reyes = Addition by subtraction.

              Run D will be improved.


              • Steve
                • Jun 2013
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                Reyes wasn't the only one guilty of poor run defense. He was the most guilty party, though (next to Butler that is).

                The thing about our run D under Pagano has been a tail of two seasons (every year, not just last year). We start horrible, then get pretty good. By the time we get good, the damage is done. The run D needs to come out at least reasonably strong and then get better. There is no reason the group we have can't be at least a top 10ish type of run D. They played at that level for the last part of the season, so they are capable of it. But that only happens if we don't give up record numbers in other games.

                Bringing in Mebane isn't just about getting a good player. The guy is a textbook example for younger players to copy. Prepare like a pro. Play with great technqiue and do it on every single play. Never gets out of position and is there to make the plays that come to him. The guy commands respect in the meeting room, and there is nothing like a little peer pressure to get young players to play more focused and with more discipline. Just about every player need to play a ton better. I think Mebane is like adding another coach to the sideline.

                The only guy I would give a pass to is Perryman. He made his share of rookie mistakes early on, but the guy learns from his mistakes and doesn't let it happen again. The guy got a ton better as the year went on. He plays hard, he learns quick and the guy plays with energy that other players feed off of. I think a D with him and Bosa will have the energy we seem to lack a lot of the time. I think they will adopt the style of Mebane, work their asses off, and then go out and play assignment football, making the plays that come their way.

                The other players to watch are guys like McCoil and Brown. Every team seems to want to add extra DB/LB hybrid guys. Put extra LB types who can run like DB to play in the nickle and dime, and help with the inside out pursuit. When you play that much nickle and dime as NFL teams, having a guy who can run and cover and play reasonable run D on early downs will make a huge differnce. We can still bring in a true CB on later downs to add pure coverage, but adding the speed and expereince attacking the line will really help our run D.

