PFW is back

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  • Formula 21
    The Future is Now
    • Jun 2013
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    PFW is back

    One of my favorite old sites.

    Breaking Chicago Bears news, NFL news and analysis from Sean Hammond and Shaw Local. Bears player news, depth chart and more.

    Hub Arkush: What to expect from Pro Football Weekly
    Who are we at PFW? And what are we going to be?
    Published: Feb. 18, 2016 — 10:18 a.m.
    Updated: Feb. 18, 2016 — 1:34 p.m.

    Quite frankly, today is a day I never saw coming, but I can’t tell you how good it feels now that it’s here. To those of you who are old friends, welcome home. To those of you who are new to Pro Football Weekly, thank you so much for joining us.

    My dad actually created PFW in 1967. When he passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly in 1979, I took over at the ripe old age of 26. Our goal was always to be the one football publication no pro football fan could do without, and over the years, hundreds of thousands of you let us know we were getting that job done.

    Among PFW’s accomplishments, we invented and perfected independent scouting and analysis of college prospects, spawning the “Draftnik” community. We were the first to create an all computerized statistical database. We created and operated the first national Fantasy Football league in 1980. We were the first to use our published material to nationally syndicate radio and TV programming in the mid- and late-’80s. In 1993, we were the initial provider of NFL content to a company called, which a little over a year later became In 1997, we were one of the first sports publishers to launch its own web site, the precursor to this site,

    When I sold the company in 2008 to some great partners with a much larger publishing company, it was because we believed they had the resources we didn’t to bridge the gap for PFW into the new digital world. Sadly, after a huge investment of their resources, we were unable to reinvent the business and were forced to close the doors.

    Fortunately, much has changed since then. A number of very smart publishers and content providers are beginning to thrive in the digital space. When I was approached by one of them, Shaw Media, about putting Pro Football Weekly back in circulation, I said, “Where do I sign up?” was reborn.

    Our goal is to be the one website than no football fan can do without. Over the coming months, we expect hundreds of thousands of you and then millions will let us know we are getting the job done.

    What you are witnessing today is a soft launch, as we still have much to do to be worthy of the Pro Football Weekly name, so let me tell you a little bit about what we are going to be. This website will be our anchor, and by the beginning of the 2016 season, it will include all that you came to expect of the old . We might have some premium offerings down the road, but for the foreseeable future, our plan is to be completely free.

    We are attempting to have our new mobile applications for your smart phones available well in advance of this year’s college draft.

    Our three best-selling annual magazines, 2016 Pro Football Weekly NFL Draft Guide, 2016 Pro Football Weekly NFL Preview and 2016 Pro Football Weekly Fantasy Football Guide will be bigger and better than ever and available at your local newsstands in the coming months, with the Draft Guide on sale March 15, and the Preview and Fantasy Magazines on sale June 15.

    The Draft Guide that many of you have already inquired about is at the printer now. Within the week, we will have information here as to how you can order it directly from us as soon as it’s available if you prefer not to wait for it to get to the newsstands.

    We are in the process of re-launching our weekly radio show. You can expect to hear it back in your local markets as well as here at the website no later than early April. The Pro Football Weekly TV show will once again be available every weekend in more than 50 million TV homes on all Comcast Sports Net regionals in late August.

    We are not planning a weekly print publication available for sale at this time, but after an extremely successful test program in Illinois during the 2015 season, we are working on a printed insert that would be available for free with your daily newspaper each week of the NFL season in as many markets as possible. We are also considering a digital download of that product for folks in markets where it is not available in your local papers.

    Big plans, I know. This is something we would not be attempting without significant planning, testing and due diligence, along with the experience and accomplishments of a great media company like Shaw Media and our media partners at the Daily Herald Media Group and the Sun Times Media Group.

    For those of you who were subscribers to the old Pro Football Weekly publication, we are not affiliated with it in any way nor have we received any compensation from it at all. However, if you can be patient with us for just a few weeks, we will be posting information here as to how you can contact us about some special gifts and offers we are planning for you to thank you for your commitment in the past and hopefully to encourage you to stay a part of the PFW family.

    For all we’ve been through over the past 50 years, the National Football League is bigger and better than ever and is still the greatest game in the world. Our goal is to bring you everything you need to enjoy it as much as possible.

    Stay tuned; the best is yet to come!
    Now, if you excuse me, I have some Charger memories to suppress.
    The Wasted Decade is done.
    Build Back Better.
  • Formula 21
    The Future is Now
    • Jun 2013
    • 16964
    • Republic of San Diego
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    Hub Arkush: Cam Newton scouting report from PFW still lingers, but was it wrong?
    Analyst Nolan Nawrocki had solid information, PFW printed it
    Published: Feb. 11, 2016 — 7:44 p.m.

    It was just short of five years ago that I found myself embroiled in a bit of controversy not entirely of my own making.

    As the Publisher and Editor of Pro Football Weekly, I was the ultimate arbiter of what we published, and over the years what we are best known for is creating independent draft analysis and being the leader in the field.

    Over a stretch of 35 years from 1978 to 2013, I employed just two head scouts.

    Our first, Joel Buchsbaum, is a legend around the NFL who unfortunately died far too young in 2002 after 24 years at PFW.

    There will never be another Joel, but his successor, Nolan Nawrocki, was the next best thing.

    Nolan is so good he’s an editor’s dream and worst nightmare rolled into one.

    In mid-February of 2011 my Editor-In-Chief, Keith Schleiden, came to me with Nolan’s now infamous scouting report on that year’s likely No. 1 overall pick, Cam Newton, and said what do you think?

    Here is the portion of the scouting report on Newton that set people’s hair on fire.

    “Very disingenuous — has a fake smile, comes off as very scripted and has a selfish, me-first makeup.

    “Always knows where the cameras are and plays to them. Has an enormous ego with a sense of entitlement that continually invites trouble and makes him believe he is above the law — does not command respect from teammates and will always struggle to win a locker room ... Lacks accountability, focus and trustworthiness — is not punctual, seeks shortcuts and sets a bad example. Immature and has had issues with authority. Not dependable."

    I asked Nolan how solid his information was and he assured me he had multiple sources in the Auburn community and the NFL scouting community and I said "OK, then we have to print it."

    Now let’s understand two things about the backlash that’s ensued to this day.

    When someone is the best, and Nawrocki is, for whatever reason people make it their mission to try and prove them wrong.

    Secondly, for those who had to pull out the race card, that couldn’t possibly have been less reasonable or fair.

    Nobody said a word when Nawrocki laced Ryan Mallett or Johnny Manziel coming out of school just like he did Newton.

    Race was never part of the equation, and Nawrocki never disputed Newton’s considerable athletic skills.

    Now let’s fast forward to today.

    Newton is clearly the best athlete in the NFL and a really good quarterback. Heck, he’s the MVP.

    But was I the only one in San Francisco just a hair put off by how quickly the kid goes from his glaring smile to his look of "Do you know who you’re talking to?"

    Is there any question left about the size of his ego and his sense of entitlement?

    Was that accountability, focus, trustworthiness, dependability and maturity we saw from Newton in the Super Bowl and in his post-game performance? Or two days later when he tried to defend his childishness and sore losers everywhere?

    Honestly, what were you thinking when Newton put the ball on the ground with a little over four minutes to play and his team just six points back, and then refused to go after it when he appeared to have the best chance to recover it?

    Just once, people, can we put the political correctness, the race card, our jealousy and envy of people who do know more than we do aside and acknowledge what’s directly in front of us?

    Nawrocki’s scouting report wasn’t perfect by a longshot, but five years later Cam Newton is a truly special football player who has shown signs of becoming a very special person who right now still has a lot to learn about being a fully grown man.

    Perhaps Nawrocki could have made his point more delicately, but last Sunday Newton did a lot more to prove him right than he did to prove him wrong.

    It’s still Cam’s show but the next act is the one that will truly matter.
    Now, if you excuse me, I have some Charger memories to suppress.
    The Wasted Decade is done.
    Build Back Better.


    • bonehead
      • Jul 2013
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      I used to read PFW and Street and Smiths when I was a kid
      Forget it Donny you're out of your element

      Shut the fuck up Donny


      • Steve
        • Jun 2013
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        I loved reading PFW every week on Friday afternoons. It was the first place you could get a team specific stuff on all the teams in the Whispers section, even after the advent of And PFW was so much better written and more thought provoking. It did go downhill after Joel Buchsbaum died.


        • Lightningwill_420

          Originally posted by bonehead View Post
          I used to read PFW and Street and Smiths when I was a kid
          Word. I was into Pro Football Weekly, Chargers Magazine, and ZooNews as a kid. I'd probably still be into them, but the Internet has really taken over my life. I can't be bothered waiting a whole week to read where Donny Macek likes to bass fish or what animal Joan Embery is planning to bring to the Tonight Show to piss on Johnny's face.


          • Fleet
            TPB Founder
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            Joel Buchsbaum got me hooked on the draft.


            • Formula 21
              The Future is Now
              • Jun 2013
              • 16964
              • Republic of San Diego
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              Every year, I used to run down to the Parris news stand in North Park to get the printed version of their draft guide. On the day it came out, before they were sold out.
              Now, if you excuse me, I have some Charger memories to suppress.
              The Wasted Decade is done.
              Build Back Better.


              • bonehead
                • Jul 2013
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                Originally posted by Fleet View Post
                Joel Buchsbaum got me hooked on the draft.
                A true pioneer. To refer to him as a "visionary" would be an understatement .....
                Forget it Donny you're out of your element

                Shut the fuck up Donny


                • Mister Hoarse
                  No Sir, I Dont Like It
                  • Jun 2013
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                  Originally posted by Fleet View Post
                  Joel Buchsbaum got me hooked on the draft.
                  My son and I were also hooked by Buschbaum. He was a genius at video scouting. Kiper is still the same jackass with a hairstyle.
                  Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!

