Coach Staley Discussion - Fired

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  • CanadianBoltFan
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by Velo View Post
    I don't know. The defense was at its best when Bosa and James were not playing. I've always felt James was overrated. So much hype about his elite ability, but I don't see it all the time. I see it some of the time. But not often enough to warrant the reputation he supposedly has. He's not a game changer and he doesn't single handedly make the defense better just by his presence. Bosa - I'd like to see a full season of him paired with Mack before coming to any conclusions. He was elite as part of a duo with Melvin Ingraham. He's only 27.
    Its a really interesting point. The defence played its best without James and Bosa


    • Lefty2SLO
      Moderate Skeptic
      • May 2022
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      Originally posted by jamrock View Post

      Joey isn’t all he’s cracked up to be and is an emotional child. We all saw it. On top of it he’s an injury risk. Get rid of him.

      Derwin is also overrated. He’s no Reed or Palomalu but gets that level of hype.

      we paid too much for too little with each of these guys. I am beginning g to adopt the Belichick view.
      In salary cap football your top earners MUST be difference makers, either outright making plays or by raising the level of other average players around them (preferably both). Neither Bosa nor James have done this. Actually you can make the case that the defense WAS better and more connected without either of them.

      I saw in another thread someone make the point that we need to improve most in 2 areas; wide receiver and pass rusher, which are the 2 positions we're spending the most money on, ie; Allen / Williams and Bosa / Mack. Not sure if I'm completely buying into that, but we most definitely did not get our money's worth out of those 4 on Saturday (for various reasons - MW wasn't even on the field). If you can't step up when it matters the most then you're not worth 'difference maker' money.


      • QuiteFrankly
        Since Balboa Stadium
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        Originally posted by Lefty2SLO View Post

        In salary cap football your top earners MUST be difference makers, either outright making plays or by raising the level of other average players around them (preferably both). Neither Bosa nor James have done this. Actually you can make the case that the defense WAS better and more connected without either of them.

        I saw in another thread someone make the point that we need to improve most in 2 areas; wide receiver and pass rusher, which are the 2 positions we're spending the most money on, ie; Allen / Williams and Bosa / Mack. Not sure if I'm completely buying into that, but we most definitely did not get our money's worth out of those 4 on Saturday (for various reasons - MW wasn't even on the field). If you can't step up when it matters the most then you're not worth 'difference maker' money.
        I never saw Derwin intercept a ball..maybe one that was insignificant. But he is a good / hard tackler. That means something back there...Blitz him 5 times a game for sure. Make him a linebacker! Not lived up to the hype so far for sure.

        Bosa...he is the real deal...we have not had a guy like him in a long time. His personality is no better or worse than other NFL guys who cares. When he is well...he applies pressure.


        • Lefty2SLO
          Moderate Skeptic
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          Originally posted by QuiteFrankly View Post

          I never saw Derwin intercept a ball..maybe one that was insignificant. But he is a good / hard tackler. That means something back there...Blitz him 5 times a game for sure. Make him a linebacker! Not lived up to the hype so far for sure.

          Bosa...he is the real deal...we have not had a guy like him in a long time. His personality is no better or worse than other NFL guys who cares. When he is well...he applies pressure.
          I can't remember either one making a game saving play, while Saturday's debacle shows . . . . only negative plays.

          Where was James when the back end was falling apart and we made Trevor Lawrence look like Joe Montana? Joey's hurt too often and not on the field enough, and when he is he's often part of the problem - not the solution. Where's the pick that seals the win? Where's the sack that puts the game out of reach? And most of all - WHEN IT MATTERS MOST - what did they do to help the team win (or lose)?

          It's very much a team sport, and certainly not all on 2 guys, but between Staley, James and Bosa I get the sense that they all think they're a lot better than they actually are . . . . arrogance + meaningless numbers and awards . . . . meh. These are your team leaders. Is it really such a surprise when they fold in crunch time?


          • wu-dai clan
            Smooth Operation
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            James was just voted Second Team All Pro.
            Maybe we do play modern football.


            • Bolt4Knob
              Registered Charger Fan
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              Originally posted by Lefty2SLO View Post

              In salary cap football your top earners MUST be difference makers, either outright making plays or by raising the level of other average players around them (preferably both). Neither Bosa nor James have done this. Actually you can make the case that the defense WAS better and more connected without either of them.

              I saw in another thread someone make the point that we need to improve most in 2 areas; wide receiver and pass rusher, which are the 2 positions we're spending the most money on, ie; Allen / Williams and Bosa / Mack. Not sure if I'm completely buying into that, but we most definitely did not get our money's worth out of those 4 on Saturday (for various reasons - MW wasn't even on the field). If you can't step up when it matters the most then you're not worth 'difference maker' money.
              James will be back
              Williams will be back

              Bosa - probably 75/25
              Allen - maybe 50/50. 19m in salary


              • Lefty2SLO
                Moderate Skeptic
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                Originally posted by wu-dai clan View Post
                James was just voted Second Team All Pro.
                That's great. So where was our All Pro when the defense was melting down???

                Awards are meaningless. What does it matter that he's acknowledged as one of the best players at his position if he's not enabling the team to win games?


                • jamrock
                  lawyers, guns and money
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                  Originally posted by Lefty2SLO View Post

                  In salary cap football your top earners MUST be difference makers, either outright making plays or by raising the level of other average players around them (preferably both). Neither Bosa nor James have done this. Actually you can make the case that the defense WAS better and more connected without either of them.

                  I saw in another thread someone make the point that we need to improve most in 2 areas; wide receiver and pass rusher, which are the 2 positions we're spending the most money on, ie; Allen / Williams and Bosa / Mack. Not sure if I'm completely buying into that, but we most definitely did not get our money's worth out of those 4 on Saturday (for various reasons - MW wasn't even on the field). If you can't step up when it matters the most then you're not worth 'difference maker' money.
                  I agree. Stars gotta be stars


                  • Lefty2SLO
                    Moderate Skeptic
                    • May 2022
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                    Originally posted by Bolt4Knob View Post

                    James will be back
                    Williams will be back

                    Bosa - probably 75/25
                    Allen - maybe 50/50. 19m in salary
                    I expect them all to be back - I'm not advocating that they go away. All are very good players, but their salaries drive compromises in other areas (because of the cap), and if they're not performing as difference makers, either because their quality of play is not good enough or they're always hurt, they're handicapping the entire team.

                    My hope is that this experience humbles them a bit and makes them better players next year . . . . Who knows - it could happen.



                    • Charge!
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                      Originally posted by wu-dai clan View Post

                      Did Herbert sail that crucial TD pass to Keenan because we "don't have an identity" or because "there is a Chargering curse" or was it because our great young QB simply did not make an easy play that we really needed to happen ?

                      We made a commitment to a course of action. Now stick to it.

                      The best answer is not in an essay from a wordsmith, it is in the utter platitude that "the answer is simple, but not easy."

                      Frankly we are not good enough...yet.

                      And having supremely talented, and/or well coached teams hasn't gotten it done for us anyway.

                      Work hard. Become smarter. Get better. More consistently.
                      he is not being coached well enough.... that pass sailng was a footwork issue.... also Herbert throws side arm alot which is why so many balls get batted...... he is super talented but needs better coaching..... better play calling.....etc.... that is what some of the QB experts have been saying on NFL radio


                      • jamrock
                        lawyers, guns and money
                        • Sep 2017
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                        Originally posted by wu-dai clan View Post
                        James was just voted Second Team All Pro.
                        Herbert was voted President of the Fishing Club. Probably deserved it more than James all pro vote but each equally insignificant in Duval


                        • Lefty2SLO
                          Moderate Skeptic
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                          Originally posted by jamrock View Post

                          Herbert was voted President of the Fishing Club. Probably deserved it more than James all pro vote but each equally insignificant in Duval

