Coach Staley Discussion - Fired

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  • AZBolt
    Registered Charger Fan
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    I also hope they fire Staley.....but if they don't they must insist that both Hill and Lombardi get replaces ASAP as they are both sub par coordinators, that was consistently displayed.


    • Berserker76
      Registered Charger Fan
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      Originally posted by Fouts2herbert View Post
      I told you guys they weren’t going to fire staley…I checked my phone all day but nothing happened…keeping lombardi is going to be the killer for me, I might have to take next year off rather than have a fucking stroke with lombo wasting another of herbert’s years…if it wasn’t the Spanos family it would almost be unbelievable…
      I will join you if Lombo's still here. A fan can only take so much.


      • Tomdutchy
        Registered Charger Fan
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        Originally posted by QuiteFrankly View Post

        but I suppose when the guys who make the big bucks are just have to play them too much pressure not too...It would make you look like you did not know what you were doing right when you drafted him :>)
        Oh, you are talking about Murray. I swear if we would put anyone but him in, .... Well we couldnt do worse.

        I swear I think teams are soft targeting him on pass plays just so stalebread keeps him in. By keeping him in, you keep a shitty tackler in that is easy to block, so its like having a half player in there. Look it all the pass plays over the middle where dogshit is standing. You can see it.


        • AZBolt
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          Originally posted by jamrock View Post

          Does anyone doubt that we should have hired Daboll instead of Staley? I don't have to watch to know but I will because I'm a Charger masochist like all of you
          Charger identity has to be that they can score big time throughout the game, not just the first half....They need a very good speedy WR in round one, replace Feiler, and concentrate on blocking scheme for a respectable run game......add another good guard, and I thinknow our pass blocking could be outstanding assuming Johnson sophomore improvement..

          our D has enough core talent and with a little improvement and a decent Coordinator, and some health they sb at least middle of the pack or better.....James is good but not outstanding we need a good FS badly.....Gillman is a C- and Adderley probably a D :- ((


          • northerner
            Charger fan since '79
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            Originally posted by Velo View Post
            I don't see how replacing the HC is a rebuild. The players would remain the same and this team is built to win now. IMO, in order to completely get past what happened in JAX is to clean house and bring in a totally new/different coaching staff. I'd keep the special teams coordinator though.
            changing a HC means changing the way everything is run, it is not as big as changing players is, but it is an overall change in the daily logistics/method. plus, what i meant by rebuild is not just the logistics/method, it is the money ($$$). Spanos is cheap, so he may draw the line at a new OC.

            i am definitely ok with moving on from Staley, but from a realistic standpoint (factoring in money, etc.), i am much more concerned with Lombardi being gone than anything else.


            • 21&500
              Bolt Spit-Baller
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              I think Staley pissed off a few refs since he's been in the league because he used to be more vocal and essentially challenge them. Last years Baltimore game comes to mind.
              I think the general sense the refs have of staley is not unlike some of his critics here.
              pompous, arrogant, especially for being so green.
              Personally I never got that from him and always appreciated his competitive nature and ability to articulate his thoughts.
              But for those reasons, refs hate Staley imo and it will always be an uphill battle in these close games, however unfortunate and unfair that may be.
              2024: Far From Over


              • Boltjolt
                Dont let the PBs fool ya
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                I always see HCs yapping at the refs lol. I think that's par for the course.


                • Tomdutchy
                  Registered Charger Fan
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                  Originally posted by Boltjolt View Post
                  I always see HCs yapping at the refs lol. I think that's par for the course.
                  I agree and it was stalebread's chance to back up a player for the bs calls. If we are already at the one yard line do something to get kicked out to fire up the team. Shit he was worthless coaching.

                  Picking up bosas helmet and handing it back to him where he slammed it again at his feet sent a bad message to the team. He totally disrespected stalebread. Instead, he should have used his sourdough nikes and kick the helmet back into the field.


                  • richpjr
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                    Originally posted by 21&500 View Post
                    I think Staley pissed off a few refs since he's been in the league because he used to be more vocal and essentially challenge them. Last years Baltimore game comes to mind.
                    I think the general sense the refs have of staley is not unlike some of his critics here.
                    pompous, arrogant, especially for being so green.
                    Personally I never got that from him and always appreciated his competitive nature and ability to articulate his thoughts.
                    But for those reasons, refs hate Staley imo and it will always be an uphill battle in these close games, however unfortunate and unfair that may be.
                    I'm not sure where the narrative that Staley is arrogant comes from. You can say he is stubborn and has strong beliefs but he never comes across as arrogant or cocky to me. I don't ever remember him doing anything over the top towards refs - but like all of us, we have no clue what he says on the sideline. That just seems way out of character from what I can tell.


                    • electricgold
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                      Originally posted by AZBolt View Post
                      I also hope they fire Staley.....but if they don't they must insist that both Hill and Lombardi get replaces ASAP as they are both sub par coordinators, that was consistently displayed.
                      I sort of glanced at our last 2 seasons with Staley I think he's beaten around 5 teams with a winning record since he's been here, and thats with one of the best QB's in the league! I could be wrong but I think the number is around 5 and not much more! Kind of hard to be arrogant with these kind of results.... We live in a world where people can be million aires with these type of results. Ok I guess that's looking at things sort of positively?


                      • Trumpet Man
                        Dea Spanos my HERO
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                        Originally posted by AZBolt View Post
                        I also hope they fire Staley.....but if they don't they must insist that both Hill and Lombardi get replaces ASAP as they are both sub par coordinators, that was consistently displayed.
                        To get Staley fired is EASY as the blueprint is already there.

                        Marty Schottenheimer tried to hire his brother Brian on the staff which resulted in Marty getting FIRED.

                        Here are Brandon's brothers. Pick one.

                        image.png​The Staley brothers – from left, Jason, Michael and Brandon – out to dinner in Los Angeles following the Chargers game with the Cowboys.


                        • Kellyb72601
                          Registered Charger Fan
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                          The fat guy is his twin brother lol No wonder Staley runs prior to games.

