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  • sandiego17
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by MakoShark View Post
    One effective part of the NFL program, experts acknowledge, is that players can be tested more than once during a season, which would prevent them from feeling they're ''clear'' after one test.
    I understand that its dated. I also read SFW's article. I'm just not convinced that they care, apparently they need a valid reason to conduct another test. I'm still convinced its more window dressing than anything else, there is a ton more they (and the NFLPA) could do if they were serious about eliminating PED's from the game. I get that the NFL has to deal with a union, but theoretically the union should be aligned with the NFL in eliminating PED's from the game, just for the safety of their members.

    One effective part of the NFL program, experts acknowledge, is that players can be tested more than once during a season, which would prevent them from feeling they're "clear" after one test.

    NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy noted the rules allow for increased testing if the league finds reason for it, such as a history of violations or a criminal investigation that collects evidence of doping.

    "If information is brought to our attention and there is law enforcement activity, then that would be taken into account," McCarthy said.


    • Mister Hoarse
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      Originally posted by thelightningwill View Post
      I guess, what I'm saying, is the league and fans should stop pretending we give a shit if somebody is juiced.
      Stop testing. Stop suspending players who are on drugs. It's fucking obvious players are using drugs and only some are getting punished for it. Why? Because, some are lucky, or they are better at cheating on tests.
      Say all you want about the advanced weight lifting and nutrition techniques used today. I'm not buying it. There is no way linemen like Corey Luiget exist all over the league, when, 30 years ago, somebody smaller like Kelcher or the Fridge were considered fucking huge (and those guys were only huge because they were fat).
      If you're not juiced, you are severely limiting your chances of playing on the line or even at linebacker in the NFL. You are also making injury-recovery time extra lengthy. It's hard for me to believe most NFL linemen are passing up all the benefits of performance-enhancing drugs because there's a chance they might get suspended. I mean, for God's sake, all the best bicyclists were on drugs just a few years ago. If those guys were doing it, do you honestly think today's NFLers aren't?
      If the league just said juicing was okay, then players could get real doctors who administer it correctly. Players would probably have fewer health issues due to over-use or just incorrect use of drugs.
      Jose Canseco might be a dumbass in a lot of ways, but he's right about performance-enhancing drugs. It doesn't have to be fucking awful for you if you use it correctly. Just like any drug. Get a bunch of amateurs and criminals injecting you with it, and shit has a greater chance of going wrong.
      Canseco has to take testosterone supplements in his 40s because he no longer produces it. Not the guy to get advice from.
      Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!


      • MakoShark
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        Originally posted by sandiego17 View Post
        I understand that its dated. I also read SFW's article. I'm just not convinced that they care, apparently they need a valid reason to conduct another test. I'm still convinced its more window dressing than anything else, there is a ton more they (and the NFLPA) could do if they were serious about eliminating PED's from the game. I get that the NFL has to deal with a union, but theoretically the union should be aligned with the NFL in eliminating PED's from the game, just for the safety of their members.

        One effective part of the NFL program, experts acknowledge, is that players can be tested more than once during a season, which would prevent them from feeling they're "clear" after one test.

        NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy noted the rules allow for increased testing if the league finds reason for it, such as a history of violations or a criminal investigation that collects evidence of doping.

        "If information is brought to our attention and there is law enforcement activity, then that would be taken into account," McCarthy said.
        Maybe it is just window dressing, maybe not. From what I've read HGH doesn't stay in the system long so that makes it that much harder to catch a cheater. I do think that you're misreading the part about how many times they can be tested though. I think they closed that gapping loophole. And, remember this policy is only about HGH blood tests. Urine tests for other PED's are something else entirely.

        I was just using some rough numbers to extrapolate a theory. I also wonder why, to this point, there hasn't been a "Jose Canseco" or "Alex Rodriguez" moment in the NFL. If PED use was that prevalent then that means an awful lot of people know, players and non-players. The more people that know the higher the chances that someone will slip up big time or will get disgruntled and just spill the beans.


        • SFW
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          Originally posted by MakoShark View Post
          Maybe it is just window dressing, maybe not. From what I've read HGH doesn't stay in the system long so that makes it that much harder to catch a cheater. I do think that you're misreading the part about how many times they can be tested though. I think they closed that gapping loophole. And, remember this policy is only about HGH blood tests. Urine tests for other PED's are something else entirely.

          I was just using some rough numbers to extrapolate a theory. I also wonder why, to this point, there hasn't been a "Jose Canseco" or "Alex Rodriguez" moment in the NFL. If PED use was that prevalent then that means an awful lot of people know, players and non-players. The more people that know the higher the chances that someone will slip up big time or will get disgruntled and just spill the beans.
          Just a guess on why there hasn't been a "Canseco moment" in the NFL is because PED's/steroids/HGH was causing every record in baseball to be shattered, it was completely changing the game and the record books/Hall of Fame. In football we are not seeing the same outcome as the game is completely different. HGH would be used to keep a player healthy, or give him an edge but it wouldn't help Peyton manning throw an extra 15 TD's in a season as it did help baseball players hit an extra 15 home runs.

          I have no idea what percentage of players in the NFL use PED's but I would be a fool to believe it is only the ones that get caught. So I can only assume that the use falls somewhere between the amount of players caught and 100% of the players, where on the scale that ends up I have absolutely no idea and I am sure I will never find out.
          1) Jason Verrett (CB) TCU
          2) Demarcus Lawrence (OLB) Boise St
          3) Will Sutton (DT) Arizona St
          4) Jarvis Landry (WR) LSU
          5) John Urschel (OC) Penn St
          6) Shamar Stephen (DT) UConn
          7) Brock Coyle (ILB) Montana


          • KNSD
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            It was all water weight. He's cut back on sodium.
            Correct: Chargers CI fails miserably.
            Fail: Team stays in San Diego until their lease runs out in 2020. (without getting new deal done by then) .
            Sig Bet WIN: The Chargers will file for relocation on January 15.


            • TTK
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              • #43
                I don't care if he was on HGH or any other Roids. But if you believe the league started a HGH testing program this year and nobody was warned or stopped taking them then that's just idiotic. If they put in a test to stop it and you look around the league for guys that may have been on and now are off, or suddenly decide to retire the week after the testing started. Nobody has touched the issue or looked into it. We have no way to prove it, but it would not surprise me. But I personally don't care if they use or not, it's not my body do what you want.

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